What is a Meat and Three ?

My next post is going to be on a meat-n-three . Before , I launch into a review of a meat-n-three I thought I would give those new to Nashville just what it is a meat-n-three. Nashville is home to a genre of restaurants called a meat-n-three. Basically , it is a plate lunch. You have a choice of several meats. You get to pick one.The meat choices vary by the day of the week. Like some restaurants serve catfish only on Friday. You get the point.

Next , you get to pick up to three vegetable choices from the menu. Again , the choices vary from day to day but there are some standard fare like turnip greens and macaroni and cheese. Served with cornbread or rolls . It makes a complete meal. Desserts are extra. A meat-n-three is a Nashville tradition. Since , we now have a working definition , let’s eat